"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."
I feel like I have just taken the step. I saw a post on facebook to vote for someone to become an allstar for a weight loss program called DASH. I saw it too late and was not able to submit an entry but I wasn't going to give up that easy. I emailed them and asked if they would consider me as well. I was contacted and told that I needed to get support behind me so I had friends and family email and post on my behalf and after doing all the same things the other contestants had to do (like submitting a video and everything) I was notified that a company saw my video and was going to sponsor me. I am so thrilled. The program consists of me eating healthy, and exercising. Novel idea right? To lose weight you have to eat healthy and exercise... but this time I will be doing it with the help of a coach and team of people cheering me on. This program does not have any meals that you have to buy - or pills to take... you can do a protein shake and have bars as meal replacements... but they are made with organic fruits and veggies - no chemicals or processed ANYTHING. It's exactly what I want/need.
Dash asked me what my "why" was for doing this. My answer was to live life fully. I want to be the best me that I can. I know its going to get hard and I will have to come back to my why to keep me motivated... but I am ready to do this and am very excited.