So yesterday Jaxon turned 2 weeks old LOL. I can't believe how much he has changed already! He is already getting so big! His Jaundice is gone and at his last appt he had gained some weight so he was almost back up to his birth weight!
I have decided that the Lord made it so new born babies sleep a lot so the mom's can sleep too! I guess giving birth takes a lot out of you because even though I take naps during the day sometimes, I still don't feel rested haha!

But being a mom is the most wonderful thing in the world! Dan and I were talking the other day and we don't know what we would do without Jaxon! He is such a blessing in our lives and since we have had him, we have been asking ourselves why we waited so long to bring him into the world. Maybe we were just being selfish and wanted to do other things first, but he has made every aspect of our lives better so we are not sure why we waited so long.
Speaking of that - Dan and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Friday. Well we didn't really do anything since I am still not 100%, we are going to wait a month or so and then celebrate it, but we were able to go to one of my best friends weddings that night. Jen and Andrew got married on Friday and it was a beautiful wedding! We were honored to be there and we are excited we will be sharing our anniversary with them! We love them both and wish them all the happiness in the world as they are starting their new lives together. WE LOVE YOU GUYS!