Sunday, June 27, 2010
Ok – so I am having such a hard time going to church. Not because I don’t want to go – but because when I am there all I am doing is running around chasing Jaxon. He WILL NOT sit still for 5 min’s – so you can imagine what 3 hours must be like. I don’t hear anything at all. Today for example – I couldn’t even stay in Sunday school – I seriously was out in the hall the entire time and Jaxon was just running up to anyone and playing with them. Then for Relief Society I had grapes (his favorite) to give to him to try and keep him sitting still – and that lasted about 8 min’s until all the grapes were gone and then so was he. I mean I could take an entire CARTON of grapes and that would help him hold still longer – but then he would be sick haha. I have books, cars, phones, everything – and nothing keeps him interested. He won’t sit on my lap – he has to be standing on his own, but then when he is standing – he is running up to the front. So all the moms out there HELP! What do I do? He is only a year so I have 6 more months of this before he goes into nursery. If you ask me, as soon as the kids start walking, they should go to nursery lol. But what do I do – do I try and teach him that he has to be quite and hold still during church? Because I feel like there is NO WAY I will win that battle – or do I just go to church, let him run around in the halls to keep him happy, and count down the days until he can go to nursery and teach him to sit still and be quiet when he is older? Or do I become inactive until December (when he is 18 months) and go back to church then when I could actually get something more out of it than a workout LOL! HELP!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Jaxon's Birthday Party/Fathers Day
On June 16th my cute boy turned one. I still can't believe it! He is growing up so fast - he runs around the house now and it is just amazing to me how fast he is learning. He still doesn't really talk or say words... he just babbles ALOT - but he is so energetic and I just can't get enough of him!!!

Some things about him are:
-He loves walking around the house - and now running around the house
-He loves to play hide and go seek
-He loves loves loves to be outside - if he is ever upset and we don't know why... we take him outside and he is fine.
-When we play peek-a-boo he covers his ears instead of his eyes because he wants to see you lol
-He has a few different laughs - my favorite is his really hard laugh that sounds like kermit the frog - his other one is the one he forces out sometimes that sounds kind of like a lamb.
-Sometimes when he is walking around the house it looks like he is doing a dialog or play because of the way he moves his arms around. It is really hard to explain, but it is super funny - I really wonder what goes on in his head.
-He loves to get dizzy, so sometimes he will shake his head fast like he is saying no so he can be dizzy (I blame this on the fact that I didn't know I was pregnant when we were in Disneyworld and I went on all the rides that said do not ride if you are pregnant)
-He is staring to cuddle with people - he NEVER cuddled, but now he will and I love it!
-He is fascinated with hands. He loves to grab peoples hands and clap them together and he will stay entertained forever playing with my hands.
-When music comes on he dances (which is just him bouncing up and down or moving back and forth - super funny)
-In church, whenever the piano starts playing, no matter what he is doing, he will stop and start waving his arms to lead the music
-He loves to make lots of noise so anything that he can bang together to make noise he will.
-He has 8 teeth, which he has had for months - 4 on top and 4 on bottom, they all came in really fast and he has a little gap between his two front teeth.
-He has a dimple on his right cheek, and when he smiles - his entire face smiles (he gets this from his daddy)
I could go on and on - I seriously love everything about my little boy, he is perfect in every way. He is such a beautiful little boy and he is so happy. I am so lucky to have him in my life - I love you Jaxon!
Now on with the rest of the blog...
We had his birthday party on Sunday (Fathers Day) because it was the only time that was still close to his bday that everyone could be there. So instead of inviting our friends over and taking them away from their dads, we just kept it to family. It was a perfect day - we had a nice dinner and then Jaxon destroyed his cake and then we had dessert and Jax opened all his gifts. He got spoiled - but what are grandparents for right lol.
Here are a few pictures of his special day!
Cuddling with Grandpa
Special bday chair
I made a dump truck cake for his bday - I think I did ok for my first cake like this :)
He got so many gifts! Thanks everyone!
This was his face while we were singing to him
...and then it started - he was hesitant at first...

...then he REALLY got into it
lets just say he was on a sugar high the rest of the night!
cleaning him up
trying to get him to open his gifts... he just wanted to play so I ended up opening them haha
It was a wonderful day - thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to the fathers for sharing their day with Jaxon! And thank you to my wonderful husband! He is an amazing father to Jaxon and it is so cute to see them together. Happy Fathers Day Dan! I love you!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Pictures of Graduation, Zion's, House
Dans Graduation
Zion's National Park - Koch Renunion
If you look at the back of the picture where we are on the dock, you will see the lodge that our entire family stays in. It is really fun and we are only 5 10 min from Zion.
Our House
It has been completly redone inside and has a big back yard! We are in a great neighborhood and awesome ward! We are so excited to have our own space again - although we will miss seeing my family every day!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Dan Graduates, Lisa Turns 24, and WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!
On May 7th Dan graduated from the U - it was such an exciting day! I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished! Shortly after graduation he started an internship with a law firm for the summer and has really enjoyed finally doing what he wants to do! Then on May 26th was my birthday and I turned 24! Dan made it an amazing day for me. He arranged for a babysitter for Jaxon and scheduled an hour long massage, a manicure, and pedicure for me at sanctuary day spa - then I got to go shopping, and then we went to dinner at the cheesecake factory and to a movie. It was an awesome day! The next day we left for St. George for the annual Koch family reunion and it was such a blast! It was so fun having Jaxon there and all the cousins couldn't get enough of him! And finally - we just bought a house in Lubbock! If all goes well with the inspection and everything, we will close in July and move either the end of July or beginning of August. I feel so much less stress now that I know where we are living! Even though it is going to be hard to say goodbye, we are so excited to be finally starting the next part of our lives.
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