We had a fun Halloween! We went and picket out pumpkins and then the Sunday before Halloween, we went over to our friends Audrey and Brads house and carved them. Then on Thursday the 28th I took Jaxon to this "carnival" that the Science Spectrum was having for kids 5 and under. He had such a BLAST! My camera died at the very beginning which I was sooo sad about so I only go one picture, but it was so much fun. They had a maze, jump jump, games, candy, "scary" animals, a stage for kids to go on and show off their costume, and the kids just had a blast!!! The jump jump, stage, and maze were Jaxons favorite. Then that night our stake had a trunk or treat. Jaxon didn't care about the candy... he just wanted to run around! Friday I got super sick and was sick Friday, Saturday, and didn't start feeling better until Sunday night, so that ruined the other plans we had with friends and for the weekend. But Sunday night we watched Hocus Pocus and had trick or treaters come over... so that was fun/weird. Growing up in Utah - when Halloween falls on a Sunday, everyone goes trick-or-treating on Saturday instead... but that is only in Utah I guess. Overall we had fun. Holidays are much funner with a little kid. Jaxon made it such a blast! Here are a few pictures!