Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting in Shape

I have officially decided that it is MY TURN to get in shape and be happy with my body! It has been a long time since I have felt that way and now after having a baby - my body is definitely different! This is hard for me to talk about in something that I know friends and family read, but I feel like if I let everyone know that this is what I am doing, it will be easier for me to do it because I will have support from family and friends. So here is what I want to happen.

- Lose 40 - 50 pounds by the first of February 2010

- Eat less, eat healthier, and drink more water
- Exercise everyday for at least 30 min
- Lose 2.5 pounds a week

I have been doing this for not even a week now and I already feel better! I am on my way to becoming the woman I want to be and it feels GREAT!


  1. Lisa, I thought I'd let you know that first of all I think you've always looked great but I understand where you are coming from. Having a baby changes your body in ways that no one ever told you. And for me, even when I got back down to my original weight, it was all proportioned differently.

    Anyway, I always wanted to do Weight Watchers but didn't want to have to do the meetings or even do the online thing. Basically, I just didn't want to have to pay. But I found out about this blog... and it is awesome!! There's a spot where you can figure out how many points you are supposed to be eating per day and all the recipes on there have point values already figured for you. And there's another link on there where you can type in the nutritional value of certain foods and it will give you the point value. OR (sorry if you're sick of reading) there's even a list of point values for common foods. It's great! I started doing it a week before I figured out I was pregnant and lost 5 pounds in that one week. Sadly, I had to quit since I was pregnant but it worked! And the recipes are actually really good. The hardest part for me was all the water you have to drink. 8-10 glasses per day but that's where you'll see the initial weight being dropped. It's water weight.

    So if you want to do WW for FREE there you go. It works! Kortney's been doing it too and has lost weight.


  2. Lisa, that is a wonderful goal, and I know you can do it! It really does take support of your family and friends and for them to help you stay right on track! I wish we lived by each other cuz I would do it with you (or watch little Jaxon for you), its always so nice to have someone push me to work out. I do not love it! Good luck, I know you can do it!
    PS. remember when you took spinning classes when we worked together at Uinta? Those seem to be awesome

  3. Good for you Lisa! Go girl! I'll plan on you for next years relay! ;) Good luck. I know you'll do it!

  4. Hey there! Great post so far. However, I think you can learn more about weight loss and getting optimum low body fat by visiting this website!

    It includes fitness tips, and teaches you getting in shape. Weight loss should not be done using extreme diets or related things like that! Getting in shape should be much easier. Find a fitness buddy and guide each other the path down low body fat today!

    Do visit


