Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Doctor Appointment

Today I had my first doctor appointment. It was so nice to see the baby, listen to the heartbeat, and have the doctor tell me that everything is looking great! I will have to wait a few days to find out if all the labs come back ok... but I think everything will be just fine!
Tomorrow will put me at the 12 week mark, so the first trimester should be close to over - YEAH! And the baby is measuring right on track with January 26th as the due date. I couldn't be more excited! The ONLY problem is... I LOVE my doctor and I want her to deliver my baby, but with me living in Texas that is going to make it really hard. So.... Lubbock friends - anyone know a good FEMALE OBGYN?


  1. I DO I DO!!! She is one of Chaz's professors. I guess it depends on how you want to birth--she's kind of the almighty in Lubbock for natural childbirth, from what I've heard. I want to go natural and had my first appointment with her at 5 weeks. She was very thorough and I absolutly love her. Her ideals and my expectations fit perfectly! Let me know if you want more info! So excited for Garner baby #2!!

  2. I'm so glad everything is moving along just wonderfully! I can't wait for you to get pictures of you and your growing belly and the little one inside!! I'm still so excited that we're doing this together!!! yay!!

  3. I am with Dr. Nonweiler-Parr right now. I really like her! If you need her number let me know. Any by the way Jaxon looks just like you!!
