Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yes Sir

Ahhh kids.....

A while ago a police show preview was on and a cop was running pointing a gun at someone and yelling "stop right there" Jax does that now. I haven't gotten him any guns so he uses the hose attachment from the vacuum and runs around yelling "stop right there". I have been working with him all day and I'm happy to report that he now says, "stop please" while pointing his gun. LOL.

Today he told me to spank the lotion because he didn't want me to put it on him after his bath. Seriously? He talks about spanking a lot now, probably because we threaten it often. We don't do it often, just threaten, but apparently we are doing it too much if he wants to spank lotion. We need to re-evaluate that for sure.

Last night Jaxon, Dan, and I were all playing before Jax went to bed. It became clean up time so we started cleaning up. Dan asked Jaxon, "Jaxon - can you go pick up the toy over there?" Jaxon replied "YES SIR" and saluted Dan. Dan and I looked at each other and started laughing. I asked Dan if he taught Jax that and he said no - and asked if I had. I didn't either so we started trying to think where he would have learned that and we realized it was probably from the little soldiers on Toy Story. HAHA.

Jaxon is starting to copy and mimic A LOT of stuff now so we have to be very careful what we let him see and what we say. Gotta love the things kids pick up on and say!


  1. Hey, to be fair, sometimes the lotion just deserves a good spanking. That naughty lotion... ;)

  2. Kids will say and do the darndest things. Watch out for that one, I remember him mimiking me at Clear Creek. Did you get a movie of that? He is a crack up. Cute boy!
